Mobile World Congress 2015: 5 event highlights for the content industry
1. “Content is King, Context is Queen”
Victor Kon, president of "Cisneros Interactive“ and Shaul Olmert, founder and CEO of "PlayBuzz“, agreed on that for relevant content you must work on detailed and interesting storytelling, different formats, different platforms and on an appropriate context.
2. Twitter: “Back to the future: How mobile shapes our lives”
John Ploumitsakos, director of the product and sales, referred to the movie "Back to the Future“ in order to show that already 25 years ago some visionaries predicted that mobile technology would change our lives.
3. Fusion Media: “Four pillars of engaging content”
Isaac Lee, CEO of "Fusion“, spoke about the four keys to create compelling content for the "Milennial“ audience: "humor, context, journey and balls"….with this allegorical sentence ended the presentation.
4. The Huffington Post: “The shift to mobile is ‘disrupting’ media consumption similar to the shift from print to online”
The conference of Jimmy Maymann, CEO of the "Huffington Post“, presented heavy arguments that confirm the rapid changes in content consumption and mobile devices.
5. The Next Web: “Publishers need to become technology companies”
Patrick Laive, con-founder of "The Next Web“ highlighted the value of intangible assets of traditional media, as well as the keys to develop a sustainable business, considering the new paradigm of content.